Unleash the Lion Within

“Rock” Like a Teen, Perform Like Years Ago, And “Roar” All Your Pride!

Rock N Roar : Powered by the Tristosterone Optimization Formula. 90 capsules (1 month supply).
Rock N Roar : Powered by the Tristosterone Optimization Formula. 90 capsules (1 month supply).
A 44% discount, only 9 left
Rock N Roar : Powered by the Tristosterone Optimization Formula. 90 capsules (1 month supply).
Rock N Roar : Powered by the Tristosterone Optimization Formula. 90 capsules (1 month supply).

Rock N Roar : Powered by the Tristosterone Optimization Formula. 90 capsules (1 month supply).



This new and disruptive formula shakes the world of “testosterone booster” products.

Tristosterone Optimization Formula© works in a totally different way you’ve seen or experienced before because the strategy to gain back your manhood is NOT about artificially “boosting” your testosterone, it’s about targeting the 3 main angles involved in the production of free testosterone which are:

1. Improving the biological messaging between your brain and your testicles so your body produce more testosterone.

2. Supporting your testes to produce a healthy level of testosterone.

3. Freeing and reactivating the locked testosterone that is already in your system.

Rock’N Roar has been specially formulated with ingredients that potentializes each other to allow men over 50 to reclaim their vitality, their virility, and their raw male energy so they can reach their optimal masculine potential.

Unleash the lion within

Reclaiming the lion, you used to be. Isn’t it the ultimate dream you cherish secretly?

While we can’t turn back your biological clock, it is, however, possible to recapture your masculinity.

When your primary sex hormone has reached its normal level, you’ll feel “things” you thought were gone forever; the virility of your prime years… and undoubtedly, your partner will notice.

You’ll feel the impact on your male vigor; more energy, more drive and an appetite for personal growth… you know, this burning desire and motivation to be better, to be number one?

And an uncommon gain in confidence: this alpha male long forgotten assurance!

And when it’s time to perform, you know your body delivers a renewed stamina, endurance and vitality. Getting an erection and maintaining it is now effortless, thanks to Rock'N Roar.

You will notice how easily you can lose weight now, how you can regain your muscular mass and if you put not so much effort, you could rebuild the masculine frame you used to have.

The lion is back and now, you can “rock” like a teen, perform like years ago, and “roar” all your pride!

The Label says it All

MAGNESIUM: Activation mechanism that increases free and total testosterone*

ZINC: Plays an important role in modulating serum testosterone levels in men*

TRIBUTUS TERRESTRIS: Superior capacity to activate the production of       testosterone and a strong aphrodisiac*.

CHRYSIN : Blocks the conversion of testosterone to estrogen and works in synergy with other ingredients that naturally increase the T level*.

HORNY GOAT WEED : Increases testosterone level, and has a strong action on sex drive and erectile dysfunction. Works as a natural Viagra*.

LONGJACK (TONGKAT ALI) Also called Malaysian Ginseng, it increases T level and stimulates sexual arousal and may improve erectile dysfunction*

SAW PALMETTO : Blocks the conversion of testosterone into DHT: less DHT testosterone in the body means more free-testosterone available*

HAWTHORN BERRIES : Dramatically increases the effects of Tribulus Terrestris*

CISSUS QUADRANGULARIS: The secret ingredient that potentializes the other ones*

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

We are so confident our products will change your life,
we are offering you
the best guarantee of the industry. Period!

Who’s confident enough to put his money where his mouth is?

Nowadays, we see those seals promoting a “satisfaction guarantee” for 30 or 60 days (few of them 90). These kinds of guarantees are bland,

They are not showing a real stand behind the product…

… they are too short, which can be misleading.


They let you believe that you should have results within a month or two.

But we know that when the body (or an organ/gland) has been deprived of essential nutrients for years, it might take weeks and months to recover.

If the guarantee is for two months, you expect positive changes within this period… and if it doesn’t happen, you stop taking the product thinking it was not working for you, whereas if you had continued, it could have changed your life.

At Men’z Care, we want to let your body work, at his pace, according to HIS needs. Therefore, we will give it time… up to 6 months.

And I will put my money where my mouth is!

I will personally have your back. I am so confident Rock'N Roar has the potential to change your life that I add my personal touch and put together the best guarantee in the industry:

My Personal “I Have Your Back” Promise.

Then, you can have peace of mind knowing that if, at the end, it doesn’t work, you haven’t risk anything!

We Are Taking All The Risks…Not You!

1) The guarantee is only valid if you took Rock'N Roar for 180 consecutive days
2) The product had to be taken according to the “suggested use”
3) The reimbursement will be according to the price initially paid for the product
4) Since initial shipping costs are paid directly to the carrier (DHL, UPS, etc.), I will not reimburse those costs.
5) To understand better why you were not satisfied, I will send you a short questionnaire so we can either improve our product or the protocol.