Gentlemen Rescue Kit


Gentlemen Rescue Kit: Reconquer the man you used to be
Gentlemen Rescue Kit: Reconquer the man you used to be
Gentlemen Rescue Kit: Reconquer the man you used to be
Gentlemen Rescue Kit: Reconquer the man you used to be

Gentlemen Rescue Kit: Reconquer the man you used to be



This kit has been specially assembled to tame your prostate problems and rebalance your masculine physiology.

Among the most frequent signs of aging in men over 50, the first three are closely associated to an imbalance of your hormones.

To attack head-on this situation, Men’z Care put together 3 powerful products that have the potential to change your life.

Here is How You Could Reconquer The Man
You Used To Be In a Few Short Months.

First of all, congratulations on making actions on your hope.

Yes, too many men rely on hope only and don't do anything to reconquer “the man living inside”. They think that something “magical” will happen and suddenly, they will look at the mirror and see (and feel) like they were 20 years ago.
Like them, you know "he" is there, but "he" is not expressing "himself" like years ago. But unlike them, you know you must do something, and you want to understand...

Your metabolism isn’t the same. Your hormones are changing: less testosterones leaving more room to more female hormones (estrogen).

You are losing your muscle mass and you’re putting on more fat.

Mentally you are less sharp, may be lazier, and less confident!

There are ways to counteract those effects of aging.

You have to rebalance your metabolism on 3 planes: your prostate, your testosterone and your overall physiology.

1- Your Prostate

50% of men have an enlarged prostate at the age of 50. At 70 years old, the proportion jumps to almost 80%.

So, this is an aspect that must be addressed.


We know that there are 9 fundamental metabolic pathways involved in the growing of your prostate.

The pharmaceutical industry addresses 2 (4 at most) of those pathways with their solutions… which are prone to serious (and dangerous) side effects.

Most nutritional supplement companies support only a few of those pathways.

Men’z Care offers a new generation of prostate nutraceuticals that tackle the 9 fundamental pathways with its exclusive Metabolic Pathway Resetting Formula.

This formula can only be found in PROSTACEUTIX.

For more information on PROSTACEUTIX, click here

In a near future, Prostaceutix could become urologist’s new weapon for
Benign Prostate Hypertrophy (enlarged prostate).

2- Your Testosterone

At 30, there is a long and constant drop of up to 2% per year in their testosterone level.
According to US statistics, as many as 40% of men will suffer from clinically low testosterone levels by the time they hit 45 years of age.

There are countless products pretending to boost the production of testosterone.

However, most of them don’t work because they rely on an incomplete formula, they don’t include the right ingredients (not supported by science) and they are not boosting the right metabolic pathways.

Men’z Care’s new and disruptive formula shakes the world of “testosterone booster” products.

Tristosterone Optimization Formula© (exclusively found in Rock’N Roar) works in a different way you’ve seen or experienced before because the strategy to gain back your manhood is NOT about artificially “boosting” your testosterone, it’s about targeting the 3 main angles involved in the production of free testosterone which are:

1. Improving the biological messaging between your brain and your testicles so your body produce more testosterone.

2. Supporting your testes to produce a healthy level of testosterone.

3. Freeing and reactivating the locked testosterone that is already in your system.

Rock’N Roar has been specially formulated with ingredients that potentialize each other to allow men over 50 to reclaim their vitality, their virility, and their raw male energy so they can reach their optimal masculine potential.

For more information on Rock'N Roar, visit the product page

3- Your Overall Physiology

As you get older, your physiology changes and your body needs a proper amount and different types of nutrients to keep performing.

You’ve probably noticed, your metabolism is slower, your stamina is reduced, and your body is changing… in a way you don’t like!
One of the reasons is because you are deficient in certain vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Those chemical substances act mainly as catalyst in your body. It means that when they are in the right amount, chemical reactions are enhanced so you feel more energy.

Multivitamen is specially formulated to provide men over 50 what they need to stay healthy.

It contains a complete blend of the essential vitamins and minerals, powerful fruit and berry antioxidants to support detoxing, natural energizers from herbs and berries for a natural energy lift with no caffeine. *

Multivitamen is formulated to support cardiovascular health, hormonal health, metabolic health, immune health, digestive health, sexual function, cognitive function, positive mood, and improved exercise performance.

For more information on Multivitamen, visit the product page

The 3 Essentials of the 

Gentlemen Rescue Kit

We are so confident our products will change your life,
we are offering you
the best guarantee of the industry. Period!

Who’s confident enough to put his money where his mouth is?

Nowadays, we see those seals promoting a “satisfaction guarantee” for 30 or 60 days (few of them 90). These kinds of guarantees are bland,

They are not showing a real stand behind the products…

 … they are too short, which can be misleading.


They let you believe that you should have results within a month or two.

But we know that when the body (or an organ/gland) has been deprived of essential nutrients for years, it might take weeks and months to recover.

If the guarantee is for two months, you expect positive changes within this period… and if it doesn’t happen, you stop taking the product thinking it was not working for you, whereas if you had continued, it could have changed your life.

At Men’z Care, we want to let your body work, at his pace, according to HIS needs. Therefore, we will give it time… up to 6 months.

And I will put my money where my mouth is!

I will personally have your back. 

I am so confident Men'z Care products has the potential to change your life that I added my personal touch and put together the best guarantee in the industry:

 My Personal “I Have Your Back” Promise.

Then, you can have peace of mind knowing that if, at the end, you are not fully satisfied, you haven’t risk anything!

We are taking all the risks…not you!


1) The guarantee is only valid if you took Prostaceutix for 180 consecutive days
2) The product had to be taken according to the “suggested use”
3) The reimbursement will be according to the price initially paid for the product
4) Since initial shipping costs are paid directly to the carrier (DHL, UPS, etc.), I will not reimburse those costs.
5) To understand better why you were not satisfied, I will send you a short questionnaire so we can either improve our product or the protocol.


Specially formulated for YOU

Supports optimal prostate health

Reduces urgency

Promotes urine flow

Targets the
9 fundamental biochemical pathways involved in an enlarged prostate

Powered by a unique and advanced Metabolic Pathway Resetting Formulation

Gives you
peace of mind 